Just my luck

For the past year, I've been training anywhere from 2.5 hours - 4 hours 6 days a week in the CrossFit Comp group at Moorabbin. It has become my whole world really. I've ditched the weekend drinks, I've ditched late nights & processed foods (unless it's cheat day ;) ) & I've prioritised my training before ANYTHING. 
I can 100% call myself a very disciplined person.

There's a small group of us at Moorabbin who have put our lives on hold to give everything we have to becoming the BEST team we can possibly be to make it to Regionals this coming May. 

Every February, the CrossFit Open starts. It runs for 5 weeks & every Friday a new workout gets announced - so it's all very secret until then. You can't plan or prepare for it... you just hope your coach has programmed your training right for the past year so that you can complete all the movements and get through the workout.

Once you complete the workout (it needs to be judged by an official judge & sometimes even video recorded if you are trying to make Regionals), you submit your score & you get ranked against your club, your state, your country, your region (for us Aussies it's Australia, New Zealand & South East Asia) & the world.
The top 30 individual athletes and the top 20 teams (3 men, 3 women + 2 reserves) in the Region, go to Regionals in Wollongong. 
Our Moorabbin Comp Group have been training our butts off to get a team in this year. 
Everyone has stepped up in every way possible. We are best mates, we are supportive & we manage to have fun even when training breaks us down. 

I am in peak condition at the moment, I'm stronger & fitter than I have ever been in my life - thanks to my coach Kyle Frankenfeld. 

Three weeks ago, I had excruciating pain in my abdominals. It was in the middle of the night that I woke up, unable to lay straight or fall back asleep, I figured it's either really really bad period pain, i've torn my abdominals or I've got gastro. It lasted about 48 hours and I pushed through training - then it just disappeared! I went to the doctors & he said just keep an eye on it and come back if it happens again. 
I got through another two weeks of training and the pain came back. I went to the doctors, did some blood & urine tests then went in for an ultrasound where they discovered I had a slight rupture in my appendix & sent me in to have a CT scan. From there they confirmed my appendix was quadruple the size it should be, I had a slight rupture but luckily the fluid was contained!
From there I went straight to emergency & spent the next 4 days in hospital which was the worst 4 days in my life so far!

I was admitted on Thursday & the CrossFit Open started on Friday... are you f*cking kidding me!??? If anyone has some sort of magical remedy for bad luck... please share it with me... this isn't the first time something like this has happened. 

My surgery kept getting cancelled and pushed back as my pain threshold is high & I didn't complain of pain like everyone else was. 
Every hour that went by I was thinking... my trainings gone to waste, I'm losing too much weight (as I was fasting), I need to move etc etc. It was torture being confined to a small space & not getting any answers.

I run my own business & had to keep cancelling on my clients... I was losing money & losing my mind in there!
Finally after spending 2 nights in hospital, crying every single day not knowing what was happening, on the third morning I went in for surgery. 
I was so relieved something was happening... all I could think was I need this f*cking appendix out so I can recover & get back into training! I don't want to let my team down.

A simple surgery was a little complicated due to the fact that I have very little body fat. My organs were all squished together & they had a little trouble finding my appendix - It was hiding behind my bowel. A one hour operation turned into a three hour operation & when I finally woke up... I almost had a little break down again because I was so relieved! (Either that or I was just being a big baby).

After surgery I had my family & team mates come visit me, it was great! I FINALLY got to eat! I inhaled the food & asked for more. I think hospitals need to accommodate a little more for athletes - going from eating every 2 hours no nothing was not good for my body. 
I was determined to start moving that day, so I had a little sleep & managed to do some hospital laps with the bf! It felt so good to be not laying down!

The next day I woke up feeling positive... I got up, I put on a bra (that was a big step lol), I brushed my teeth & went to the toilet all by myself, did a few hospital laps, said g'day to the nurses, packed my bags because I WAS GOING HOME NO MATTER WHAT!!!
An hour later I was discharged! Waaaa hooooo! You couldn't get me out quicker!

I went straight from the hospital to the gym to go cheer on my team mates who were doing the first workout. I felt so good to be home.

Now I'm focussed on getting better ASAP so I can possibly do workout 4 or 5 or both!
So I spoke to Arron from NDO & I'm upping my recov to 9 tablets a day to help this body heal!

It's been just over 24 hours since surgery, I'm walking around & other than having a tight buddha belly... I'm feeling alright!

I have been told to stay away from CrossFit for roughly 4 weeks (depending on healing time), I'm allowed to do isolation work but no more than 10kg and no engaging my core. - Challenge accepted!

I'm not taking any pain killers because I want to feel how my body is recovering.

Tomorrow I'm starting some old school bodybuilding thanks to my coach Kyle.
Evolve 247 will be hosting me for the next 4 weeks.

I'm hoping this might actually be a blessing and maybe 4 weeks of training differently will make me stronger. That's my plan anyway. 

Lets see how Recov and alternative training helps appendicitis recovery! 

I've attached some photo's of my swollen belly, excuse the fake tan that the tape has ripped off! 


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