IWF World Champs with ‘The Lion’ by Almir Velagic

This year’s World Champs in Houston was a very well organised event. In the months leading up to comp day I had the best preparation of my life. During this time I hit more than a few Personal Best’s (PB’s) at training including;
Back Squat-310kg, Jerk from Blocks-260kg, Push Press-210kg, Snatch-190kg (First time in training), Clean and Jerk-230kg and a total of 420kg (PB in training).
Four weeks prior to the Worlds, at the German Championships I lifted 190kg/237kg-PB (snatch/clean&jerk). A personal best in Clean and Jerk which increased my best ever total lifted in comp to 427kg.
Competition Day:
On the day of competition I felt ready to lift my best, all I needed was to have a good day and maybe a little bit of luck too. I knew that my competitors are going to be very strong judging by what I had seen in the training halls in the days prior. The standard was going to be high.
My first and second Snatch was no problem. 187kg and 192kg were on the board and I increased the bar to 195kg and was successful in lifting a new PB, putting me in 6th place leading into the Clean and Jerk.

I opened with 228kg to beat the winner of the B group with my first Clean and Jerk, followed by a successful lift of 233kg to give me a top 10 place which would be a good result. For my final lift I took 238kg and made a successful lift, finishing my day with another PB. This gave me another best ever performance in Total with 433kg and I thought this may be good enough to win a medal, However it wasn’t to be on this day as the high level of the competition continued and I placed 7th. In previous World Championships, 433kg would’ve brought a better placing as well as a medal in some cases.

I am very happy with performance, especially being a new best and also qualifying me for the Olympic Games in Rio 2016. I’m hoping I can lift a few extra kilo’s there.
A few days ago, information came through that the winner from Russia, Lovchev, has tested positive for doping at the World’s and I am now one place higher.
Snatch: 5th Clean and Jerk: 7th Total: 6th


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