9 Days Post Surgery
At the moment I'm recovering exceptionally well. I'm living of prepared meals of basically protein, veggies & rice + 9 Recov Tablets spread out throughout the day. Last week I did isolation work at the gym on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Thursday I tackled the 1000 steps with my team mate Lee - struggled a little with the heart rate as it hasn't gone that high since hospital... but I completed it & didn't pull up sore! On Saturday I competed intervals on the death bike (AirDyne) & my stomach & body felt strong. Today I went to Hammerhouse Gym with my coach Kyle & his bestie (bodybuilder) Adam. We had a nice long bro sesh & I managed to knock out 75kg for 3 on the bench press without any pain, along with a lot of isolation upper body work & large sets of leg work. I'm feeling great! I think a mix of moving & being smart about what I do as well as the Recov is really helping me heal & I'm hoping I...